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desc: Used in the handling of controls that have been registered as background

type: string


meta: [static, const]

link: link


desc: Allows quick access to set up a callback that terminates the script

type: bound function

default: GridGUI.__ExitApp

meta: [static, const]




A convenience function wrapper for the command.


__New(title := "", options := "", showGrid := false, justify := false)

A convenience constructor that maps to the GridGUI.GridGUIClass.


name: title

desc: The title that the new gui window will have

type: string

default: ""

name: options

desc: The ahk gui options that the window will be created with.

type: string

default: ""

link: link

name: showGrid

desc: Whether or not to show a debug grid for the GridGUI.Cells that where placed in the GridGUI.GridGUIClass.grid before GridGUI.GridGUIClass.Draw was called the first time.

type: bool

default: false

name: justify

desc: The position of the controls with in the grid, can be any combination of C (Center), N (North), S (South), W (West) and E (East).

type: string|false

default: false

return value

desc: Returns a new instance of GridGUI.GridGUIClass.

type: GridGUI.GridGUIClass


Area(w, h, x := 0, y := 0)

A convenience function for making a Position that is used as an area.


name: w

desc: The width of the area.

type: number

name: h

desc: The height of the area.

type: number

name: x

desc: The x coordinate of the top left corner of the area.

type: number

default: 0

name: y

desc: The y coordinate of the top left corner of the area.

type: number

default: 0

return value

desc: A new Position instance.

type: GridGUI.Position


Pos(x, y, w := 0, h := 0)

A convenience function for making a Position, saves writting "new".


name: x

desc: The x coordinate of the position.

type: number

name: y

desc: The y coordinate of the position.

type: number

name: w

desc: The width of the area spanning from the top left corner at (x, y) to the bottom right corner.

type: number

default: 0

name: h

desc: The height of the area spanning from the top left corner at (x, y) to the bottom right corner.

type: number

default: 0

return value

desc: A new Position instance.

type: GridGUI.Position




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