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desc: The grid that controls are put into.

type: GridGUI.Grid

default: GridGUI.Grid

meta: [object]


desc: The container for the horizontal and vertical grid line controls shown when GridGUI.GridGUIClass.showGrid is true.

type: array

default: [[], []]

meta: [object]

link: link


desc: The additional space that is added around controls that are added to the grid.

type: object

default: {x: 5, y: 5}

meta: [object]


desc: Used to remember what parameter the GridGUI.GridGUIClass instance was created with and to decide whether or not to move the debug grid when drawn.

type: bool

meta: [const]




Moves the debug grid line controls to the appropriate locations.


name: area

desc: the area where in the debug grid lines are moved.

type: GridGUI.Position



Initialises the class members.


name: showGrid

desc: Whether or not to show a grid for the control that where placed on the gui before it was shown the first time.

type: bool


__New(title := "", options := "", showGrid := false, justify := false)



name: title

desc: The title that the new gui window will have

type: string

default: ""

name: options

desc: The ahk gui options that the window will be created with

type: string

default: ""

link: link

name: showGrid

desc: Whether or not to show a grid for the control that where placed on the gui before it was shown the first time.

type: bool

default: false

name: justify

desc: The position of the controls with in the grid, can be any combination of C (Center), N (North), S (South), W (West) and E (East).

type: string|false

default: false

return value

desc: Returns a new instance of GridGUI.GridGUIClass

type: GridGUI.GridGUIClass


__TranslateGridPos(x, y)

Transforms the cordinate syntax used when adding controls to a grid area


name: x

desc: The Columns that the cell spans over. When more than one column is wanted separate the start and end columns with a hyphen, e.g. "2-5".

type: string|number

name: y

desc: The Rows that the cell spans over. When more than one row is wanted separate the start and end rows with a hyphen, e.g. "2-5".

type: string|number

return value

desc: Returns the translated position as a point with a width and a height.

type: GridGUI.Position



A callback called when the gui was moved that calls the GridGUI.GUI._GuiMoved and shows a debug tooltip with the position if GridGUI.GridGUIClass.showGrid is true.


name: pos

desc: The new position, only containing coordinate of the top right corner.

type: GridGUI.Position



A callback called when the gui was resized, that calls the GridGUI.GridGUIClass.Draw method, GridGUI.GUI._GuiSize and draws the debug grid if GridGUI.GridGUIClass.showGrid is true.


name: pos

desc: The new area, only containing width and height of the gui, that is x and y is both zero.

type: GridGUI.Position


Add(x, y, type, options := "", text := "", exW := 0, exH := 0, fillW := false, fillH := false, justify := "C")

Adds a new cell with any of the standard controls to the grid and gui.


name: x

desc: The Columns that the cell spans over. When more than one column is wanted separate the start and end columns with a hyphen, e.g. "2-5".

type: string|number

name: y

desc: The Rows that the cell spans over. When more than one row is wanted separate the start and end rows with a hyphen, e.g. "2-5".

type: string|number

name: type

desc: The type of the control. Can be Text, Edit, UpDown, Picture, Button, Checkbox, DropDownList, ComboBox, ListBox, Link, Hotkey, DateTime, MonthCal, Slider, Progress, GroupBox and ActiveX. For Radio, ListView, TreeView, Tab3 and StatusBar see AdditionalControls

type: string

name: options

desc: The options that the GuiControl will be created with. Does not accept vVars. Can be an object with keys the same names as the optional arguments that this method takes.

type: string

default: ""

link: link

name: text

desc: The text that the control will be created with.

type: string

default: ""

name: exW

desc: How much of the excess width the cell should take up relative to the other width expanding cells. Can be an object with keys the same names as the optional arguments that this method takes.

type: number

default: 0

name: exH

desc: How much of the excess height the cell should take up relative to the other height expanding cells.

type: number

default: 0

name: fillW

desc: Whether or not the control should fill the width of the cell.

type: bool

default: false

name: fillH

desc: Whether or not the control should fill the height of the cell.

type: bool

default: false

name: justify

desc: The position of the control with in the cell, can be any combination of C (Center), N (North), S (South), W (West) and E (East).

type: string

default: "C"

return value

desc: Returns the added control

type: GridGUI.ArbitraryControl


AddControl(x, y, ctrl, exW := 0, exH := 0, fillW := false, fillH := false, justify := "C")

Adds a new cell to the grid and sets the cells control to the supplied control class instance.


name: x

desc: The Columns that the cell spans over. When more than one column is wanted separate the start and end columns with a hyphen, e.g. "2-5".

type: string|number

name: y

desc: The Rows that the cell spans over. When more than one row is wanted separate the start and end rows with a hyphen, e.g. "2-5".

type: string|number

name: ctrl

desc: The control that will be put in the cell.

type: GridGUI.GuiControlClass

name: exW

desc: How much of the excess width the cell should take up relative to the other width expanding cells. Can be an object with keys the same names as the optional arguments that this method takes.

type: number

default: 0

name: exH

desc: How much of the excess height the cell should take up relative to the other height expanding cells.

type: number

default: 0

name: fillW

desc: Whether or not the control should fill the width of the cell.

type: bool

default: false

name: fillH

desc: Whether or not the control should fill the height of the cell.

type: bool

default: false

name: justify

desc: The position of the control with in the cell, can be any combination of C (Center), N (North), S (South), W (West) and E (East).

type: string

default: "C"

return value

desc: Returns the control that the method was called with.

type: GridGUI.GuiControlClass



Calculates the minimum size required to show all the controls in the grid and sets the GridGUI.GUI.pos to the calculated width and height, as well as updates the controls in the grid to their positions. Can be used to reduce the number of controls that a noticeable misplaced when the gui is drawn the first time if called before calling GridGUI.GridGUIClass.Show.



Calculates the new positions of the controls in the grid based on the settings of their GridGUI.Cell and moved them to their new positions.


name: pos

desc: The area the controls will be put into and sized to fit if GridGUI.Cell.exW, GridGUI.Cell.exH, GridGUI.Cell.fillW or GridGUI.Cell.fillH of the cell that the control occupies are set.

type: GridGUI.Position



Retrieve a GridGUI.Cell by its associated control.


name: Ctrl

desc: The control used to match the right GridGUI.Cell

type: GridGUI.GuiControlClass

return value

desc: Returns the found GridGUI.Cell

type: GridGUI.Cell



Retrieve the array of GridGUI.Cells that are in a grid position.


name: GridPos

desc: The grid position where the GridGUI.Cells are retrieved from.

type: GridGUI.Position

return value

desc: returns the array of GridGUI.Cells at GridPos

type: object



Retrieves the most recently added GridGUI.Cell.

return value

desc: Retruns the most recent GridGUI.Cell.

type: GridGUI.Cell


Margin(x := "", y := "")

Sets the GridGUI.GridGUIClass.margins to the supplied x and y margins and updates all GridGUI.Cells in GridGUI.GridGUIClass.grid to use the new border sizes.


name: x

desc: The new horizontal margin to use, that is the spacing to the right and left of cells. If set to "" the current value will be left unchanged.

type: number|string

default: ""

name: y

desc: The new vertical margin to use, that is the spacing above and below cells. If set to "" the current value will be left unchanged.

type: number|string

default: ""



Resets cached calculations and calls GridGUI.GridGUIClass.Draw with the current positions and size.



Removes a GridGUI.Cell and the associated control from the grid and gui.


name: Cell

desc: The GridGUI.Cell that will be removed.

type: GridGUI.Cell



Removes a GridGUI.Cell with a specific control from the grid.


name: Ctrl

desc: The control that is used to search for the GridGUI.Cell

type: GridGUI.ControlClass


RemoveCellByPos(GridPos, index := 1)

Removes a GridGUI.Cell in the array of GridGUI.Cells at a specific position in the grid, by the array index.


name: GridPos

desc: The grid position where the GridGUI.Cells are retrieved from.

type: GridGUI.Position

name: index

desc: The index to be removed.

type: number

default: 1


Show(options := AutoSize)

Shows that gui by calling GridGUI.GUI.Show with the given options.


name: options

desc: The options that is used when calling Gui, Show.

type: string

default: AutoSize

link: link

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